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This page provides information and resources about the academic content standards for mathematics and English Language Arts. 
The California Department of Education has compiled Fact Sheets that provide an overview of the Common Core in 18 different languages.
The California PTA provides a variety of resources to help parents understand the Common Core State Standards.  The resources include Frequently Asked Questions about the Common Core, Parents’ Guide to Student Success, a list of additional resources, and articles of interest.
The Council of Great City Schools has developed parent roadmaps for understanding the English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics CCSS in kindergarten through grade eight.  The roadmaps explain to parents what children will be learning and how parents can support learning outside of the classroom. The Roadmaps are offered in English and Spanish.
This three-minute video explains how the common core standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond. The video is also offered in Spanish: